Alright desert dune buggy riders, are you ready to up your dune buggy riding skills? Out here in the Dubai sands, tearing it up in a buggy is a way of life.

But to really master these machines, you gotta know some tricks of the trade. In this post, I’m breaking down all the essential techniques to getting comfortable in the driver’s seat.

We’ll cover everything from smooth braking maneuvers to conquering those steep inclines. I’ll also teach you how to kick out controlled drifts on the loose surfaces.

And of course, navigating tricky terrain features is part of the job. By the end, you’ll have boosted your skills like a pro. I learned all this firsthand from the experts, so you know it’s legit.

Let’s get wheeling – our first stop is proper braking form. Strap in and start your engines, it’s time to ride!



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Dune Buggy Braking and Cornering


When navigating tight trails through the dunes, braking efficiently is key to maintaining control. Slamming those foot pedals in loose sand is a sure way to go skidding off course. The best technique is to squeeze the brakes gradually, modulating the pressure to slow down smoothly. It takes some practice but will save your rear bumper.

Downshifting gears is also helpful for slowing descent. Approach tight corners by braking early while keeping your eyes pointed where you want to go. As you start to turn in, ease off the brakes to avoid spinning the wheels. And make sure not to lift off the gas abruptly mid-corner!

For hairpin bends, try a “heel and toe” braking method. Lightly tap the foot brake with your left heel as you blip the throttle with your right toe. This transfers weight to the front and allows for a controlled turn. Speaking of weight transfer, make it work for you over crests by braking before the top then accelerating out of the corner.

Mastering these braking techniques will have you cornering with confidence through even the gnarliest dune trails. Give ‘em a practice run and you’ll be tackling slopes in no time.

Climbing Techniques for Dune Buggy Riding

Tackling slope climbs in a dune buggy takes more than just pure acceleration. The key is choosing smooth, steady throttle input to maintain traction up tricky inclines. A good technique is to zigzag

your line up the dune to break up the slope into smaller segments.

As you power up, watch for changes in the sand texture and slacken off if you feel the rear wheels start to slip. Gently apply more gas to keep momentum going without spinning out. It also helps to pick lower gears for steep sections. This allows you to climb at a slower speed while staying in the power band.

Speaking of gears, make use of them fully when facing a long slog. Shift up steadily through the box to keep the revs high without laboring the engine. And never hold the brake and gas at the same time, which can cause the transmission to overheat.

If you do start to lose traction, ease your foot off and try rocking the rig slightly side to side. This can help dig in for renewed grip. Just be smooth with all throttle inputs to make it to the top gracefully. Keep practicing and you’ll be conquering massive dune faces in no time.

Sand Buggy Drifting Skills

While climbing takes grunt, descending is all about finesse. And nothing impresses the locals like perfectly controlled driftover the dunes. The secret is knowing how to kick the rear end loose on command. As you approach a corner, gently push the wheel to one side while easing off the gas.

The key is subtle inputs – too much angle and baby, you’re slip-slidin‘ away! As the back starts sliding wide, countert steer subtly to catch the drift. With practice, you’ll learn to hold lengthy four-wheel slides through entire turns. Just be smooth and avoid over-correcting lest you spin.

Mastering directional drifts opens up new lines through the bends. With some speed, hit the gas mid-drift to hold tight arcs. For 360s, brake slightly harder entering the corner while countersteering out. And always make space for recovery in case you overcook it.

Speaking of recovery, try “drifting the zone” on wide corners. This means sliding close to the edge of control for a bigger margin of error. With sand under your wheels, drifting should feel instinctive in no time. Just stick to practicing safely away from other vehicles until you got it wired.

Descending Skills

Coasting downhill requires a deft touch on the brakes to maintain speed without losing traction. The key is using momentum judiciously rather than excessive braking. Try downshifting gears and lightly applying the hand brake for subtle sideways slides through turns.

Straightaways offer a chance to open her up. Shift into a lower gear to get the engine pulling strong, then ease off the brakes to let her rip! Gauge the terrain ahead and be ready to dab the brakes going into corners.

For steeper descents, downshifting is even more important for engine braking support. Modulate the foot pedal to scrub off speed while keeping the rear end planted coming over crests. And always scan well ahead to prepare for obstacles or terrain changes underneath sandy surfaces.

If you do start to lose the rear, don’t panic and slam the anchors. Ease off the gas and countersteer smoothly to regain control of your slide. With practice, you’ll slide with precision like the pros do. Just take things gradual at first till you know the limits of traction. Then you’ll own every downhill with confidence.

Crossing Terrain Features

Off the main drags, you’ll encounter all sorts of gnarly terrain. Pointy ridges and tall dune faces require tackling features at speed yet maintaining control. Approach ridges at an angle to gracefully drive up and over. Gently hit the brakes right before the peak to keep momentum on the other side.

Wadis (dry river beds) of loose sand pose another challenge. Identify spots where the edges are lowest to ford on a diagonal line. You may need to throttle up to power through deeper sections. Scope out multiple crossing options in case your line gets bogged in soft spots.

If things look too risky to attempt, better to play it smart than end up stranded. Winching techniques come in handy for assistance across deeper wadis or for steep dune descents. Secure the strap attachment points and take things slow to maintain tension without jarring. A second vehicle is always a smart idea for backup.

With practice identifying common obstacles ahead, you’ll navigate all sorts of terrain with growing confidence. Always be on the lookout below your vehicle – there’s no telling what lies beneath the sand dunes!

Mastering J-turns & Figure-8s

Now that you’ve got the fundamentals, it’s time to level up your skills with some technical maneuvers. J-turns are a must for off-roaders – they allow pivoting 180 degrees in tight spaces. To nail one, brake into a drift then yank the wheel in the opposite direction of the slide. Modulate the gas to kick the rear end around.

With repetition, you’ll learn to control the sideways momentum and complete the pivot facing either way. For figure-8s, pick two reference points and weave between them in an “8” pattern. Focus on smooth transitions between left and right turns utilizing throttle control and momentum.

Try practicing your figure-8s and J-pivots on mild inclines for an extra challenge. It really tests your car control working between forward and rearward momentum. And once you get the hang of flowing through the maneuvers, try increasing speed little by little.


Advanced drifters even link figure-8s, reverse J-turns and 360s into full obstacle courses. But take your time perfecting each element first. Smooth is always faster – rush it and you’ll be digging out instead of shredding dunes!

Off-track Recovery

No matter your skills, eventually you’ll find yourself beached or stuck in the desert. Knowing recovery techniques is crucial out on the dunes. For self-recovery from soft sand, drop deflation valves and let the air out of your tires – the added surface area will help with traction. If really buried, try digging out extra space or adding traction boards behind the tires.

Having a buddy there for a tug makes things easier too. Attach strap securely to solid parts on both vehicles (not bumpers). Approach at a moderate pace with slight tension, then gun it once past the sticky spot. If things get stuck sideways, winching from anchored points can pull you straight.

For bad bogs, you may need to improvise a pulley system by wedging a log or board under the tires. Communicate clearly, take it slow and watch for pinch points when winching under load. And never leave the steering wheel when stuck – your rig could roll without warning.

Always carry basic recovery gear like shackles, tree trunk pads and straps of varying lengths. With the right equipment and techniques, you’ll breeze through extractions, get back on track and leave no trace behind. Safety first out there in the desert wilds.


There you have it – all the essential skills and tricks to mastering your dune buggy in the Dubai backcountry. Remember, perfecting maneuvers takes time spent out on the sand, so don’t try anything too crazy until you’re fully comfortable. Safety should always be the top priority. I hope this guide gave you a solid foundation to up your game. Now get out there and put these techniques to the test – but don’t forget, stay shredding responsibly.

Or better yet, if you are just a beginner and just want to try the experience first, just let Dune Buggy Dubai know and we will arrange a Dune Buggy Dubai Tour for you.

Book your tour here!

Until next time, happy trailing.


Q: What’s the best dune buggy for a beginner?


A: For newcomers, look for lighter and more nimble 4-seat buggies without too much power. Brands like Cscape and BRP offer great starter options.

Q: How do I handle getting stuck in deep sand?

A: If winching out doesn’t work, try deflating tires fully and digging out space behind them to create traction. Rock the vehicle too. As a last resort, bring a portable sand ladder or call for a heavy recovery vehicle.

Q: What’s the best way to learn drifting techniques safely?

A: Practicing in an empty parking lot on dry pavement allows you to learn car control fundamentals without fear of rolling in soft sand. Master braking and throttle modulation before taking techniques to dunes.

Q: How often should I maintenance my dune buggy?

A: Inspect and service the vehicle after every long ride day paying attention to axles, tie rods, brakes and suspension components. Change transmission fluid annually and engine oil as manufacturer recommends. Give it a thorough cleaning after each sandy outing.

Q: What authorization is required for off-roading in Dubai?

A: You need a valid Emirates ID or passport along with vehicle registration and insurance. Stick to designated off-road trails and parks to avoid fines. Obey signage and avoid sensitive environmental areas.

Q: What should I check before braking techniques in my dune buggy?

Before practicing braking techniques out on the dunes, make sure to inspect your dune buggy’s brake pads and rotors. The pads should have enough meat left and not be worn down, while the rotors should be in good condition without cracks or warping. It’s also a good idea to check your brake fluid level and condition. With the braking system in order, you can then start practicing modulation and threshold braking safely.

Q: What are some tips for mastering controlled drifting in loose desert sand?

Some key tips for learning to drift a dune buggy smoothly in sand include: starting on gentle sloping dunes with loose powdery sand; practicing throttle modulation to swing the rear end without braking; countersteering gently into the drift to catch it; bracing yourself and keeping inputs subtle to avoid spinning out of control; and focusing on holding long smooth slides through turns rather than abrupt snap angles. It may also help to have a spotter at first until you learn the “feel” of drifting on sand. With repetition, you’ll soon drift with confidence.

Q: What winching accessories should I carry for off-track recovery out in the desert?


When wheeling through remote desert areas, it’s important to be prepared for any possible recoveries needed off the trail. Some essential winching accessories to keep in your dune buggy include: tree trunk protector mats or pads, snatch block pulley, shackles in different sizes, tow straps rated at your vehicle’s GVWR, soft shackle hooks,gloves, and a portable recovery jack or wedges. It’s also recommended to bring an extra D-ring or tow loop just in case the primary is damaged. Being self-sufficient keeps you safely back on the trail.

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