Hey there! So if you’re looking for a truly unique way to spend a day in Dubai, you’ve got to check out one of the Dubai buggy tour into the inland sand seas.

Being from the city myself, I love getting out to the more natural areas whenever I can. The golden dunes truly are a sight to behold – they seem to ripple on forever under the sun.

Dubai buggy tour is definitely the best way to experience them up close while also getting your adrenaline pumping a bit.

On our tour, we’ll cruise across the sands, keep an eye out for wildlife, and maybe even sandboard back down if you’re feeling brave.

Stick with me and I’ll guide you through all the highlights. You’re in for an awesome day out in the desert!

Choosing the Right Buggy Tour Operator


Alright, let’s talk about choosing a tour operator. There are a few good ones to pick from depending on your preferences:

When it comes to deciding who to go with, you really want to make sure you’re in safe hands. A few companies I’d recommend checking out are the Desert Safaris and Off Road Adventures. Or you can just book with Dune Buggy Dubai Here.

They all have multi-year experience running daily tours. Desert Safaris tends to skew a bit younger with big parties, while Off Road Adventures focuses on smaller groups for a more intimate experience. Dune Buggy Dubai is a nice balance.

As for pricing, expect to pay anywhere from 400-690 AED per hour depending on what package you choose.

Just be sure to verify the company is registered and licensed – safety should always come first out here. The operators handle all the transport and permits too, so you can just show up and enjoy the ride!



Price List



Price List



Price List

Preparing for the Day with Dune Buggy Dubai

Alright, now let’s talk about what to pack for our desert adventure. Since you’ll be outdoors all day, it’s important to come prepared:

When it comes to packing, focus on bringing layers, layers, layers. Even though it may be hot during the day, the desert can get pretty chilly in the evenings too. I’d suggest wearing breathable fabrics like linen or cotton on the bottom and bringing a light fleece or jacket.

Don’t forget your sunglasses – the sand really flies up when we’re ripping across the dunes! A hat is also a must to protect your face and neck.

Also be sure to lather on some sunscreen and lip balm before we head out. Snacks and water are a good idea too – we’ll have refreshments during the tour but it doesn’t hurt to bring extras. And if you’ve got a camera, definitely bring it – the views out there are definitely Instagram-worthy. Well, I think that about covers it…

Meeting at the Desert Park

Alright, we’re all packed and ready to go. Let me tell you a bit about what to expect when we meet up for the tour:

So we’re going to meet on site at the tour base. When you get there, go ahead and check in at the kiosk – they’ll make sure all your info is logged and payment is taken care of.

Then a guide will get our group together for a quick lowdown on safety protocols. They’ll provide any extra gear we need like helmets and such. It’s also a good time to hit the bathrooms before we head out!

Once orientation is done, we’ll suit up and head out to meet our rides for the day. Lucky for us, we have their new fleet of Can-Am Maverick Max buggies.

These puppies pack a punch with their turbo engines – you definitely don’t wanna get on the wrong side of one! I call shotgun, but you can sit wherever you like.

We’ll pile in, buckle up, and before you know it we’re kicking up dust on our way into the surreal sand seas. Hold on tight, this is about to be one hell of an off-road adventure!

Into the “Sand Seas”

Alright everyone, we’ve made it out to the dunes – time for the main event! It will be a sight. You will be looking at magnificent orange waves stretching as far as the eye can see.

Our guide will lead buggy getting us acclimated. First he’s taking it slow so we can appreciate the dramatic scenery.

But I know that’s not going to last long – this man lives for thrills! Just watch how smoothly he powers around tight turns and climbs steep inclines. Our buggies definitely have the grunt to make tracks through anything out here.

Now that we’re warmed up, the guidde opens her up. Hang on tight everyone, we’re in for the bumpy ride of our lives!

The dunes tower 20 feet on either side as we speed between them. Every turn brings new vistas. Then whooooa, we’re hitting an immense 75 degree slope head on.

You’d think we’d roll right back down but the turbos just dig in and rocket us up. Unreal views spread as far as the eye can see from the peak.

Then suddenly we’re free falling over the edge at breakneck speed, sand flying everywhere. The adrenaline is pumping – how’s that for your top thrill of the day so far?

I think we’re all hooked on the off-road buggy life now!

Dune Climbing Adrenaline

Hope you’re all hanging in there after that rush down the dune! Our guide has pulled us over to a scenic spot now for a quick discovery halt.

He grabs the binoculars and scoping out the surroundings. You see those specks moving along the top of the ridge? You squint hard and just make out a few tiny dots in the distance. “Gazelles,” Your guide informs us. Such elusive creatures, blending right into the landscape. You are lucky to spot any wildlife at all out here.

The guide also spots some desert birds circling overhead, likely searching for snacks in the sands. May be they were hoopoes, known for their cute crowns.

Our guide is definitely a wealth of knowledge about the native flora and fauna. He even knows all the different types of tiny reptiles we might come across if we’re lucky.

It’s so cool to take a break from the action and observe how other creatures adapt to survive in this harsh environment.

The desert truly comes alive once you learn to look a bit closer. Well, I think we’ve given the wildlife enough viewership for now – are y’all ready to continue our ride across the shifting sea of gold? Hang on, it’s about to get wild!

Discovery Halt: Wildlife Spotting

Alright amigos, next up is the highlight of the tour – sandboarding down the massive dunes! Now I know what you’re thinking…sandboarding sounds…sandy. But trust me when I say it’s one of the most desert fun and unique things you can do out here.

Your guide is passing around the extra wide desert boards and giving a quick lesson. “Keep your weight low and balanced, let gravity do the work“. Easy enough. We pile back into the buggies for a short drive to the epic drop zone.

As you stare up at the 40 foot mountain of sand before us, you feel a tad nervous. But hey, no guts no glory, right? You take a deep breath and push off.

Whoa, the speed is unreal as you fly down the slope on your belly. Sand spraying everywhere, the sun beating down – it’s total sensory overload!

Halfway down, you try to get brave and stand up on the board. Wobbly at first but you start to gain my balance. By the bottom you are carving neat S-turns like a pro.

What an adrenaline rush! you catch your breath and watch the rest of you tackle the dune. Screams and smiles all around – looks like we’re all sandboarding converts now!

One last run before we get rolling again…who’s brave enough to race me to the bottom?!

Sandboarding Down the Dunes

Alright friends, after all that action your guide is treating us to a relaxing pit stop at their desert camp. Feels good to kick back in the shade for a bit!

The spread he’s prepared looks delicious – traditional Kushari and Margoog sandwiches, fresh dates, and of course liters of refreshing water to rehydrate.

I swear nothing tastes better than food in the desert. While we chow down, your guide points out some of the local arts and crafts like oud woodworks and henna tattoos. So cool to experience Emirati culture out here under the dunes.

And just listen to that live oud music drifting through the camp – so soothing yet spirited. Our guide chats with us some more, sharing folktales and lessons passed down through generations. It’s inspiring to hear about the deep roots and resilience of desert-living cultures.

Too soon it’s time to load back up, but you are feeling reenergized for the next leg of adventures. The day is flying by but you know that your last stops will be the most magical…

Cultural Experiences

Okay friends, we’re pulling up to our final destination for some golden hour glow. The setting sun is bathing everything in a warm, dreamy light. What a perfect way to end such an epic day exploring Dubai’s inland desert secrets.

The guide parks us up on a ridge with sweeping 360 views. “Take it all in while you can,” he says softly. And wow, it’s truly breathtaking – an unending sea of burnt sienna dunes as far as the eye can see, undulating into infinity under swirling streaks of orange and pink. Up here, it’s like we’re the only souls for miles in any direction. Total peace.

I can see why the desert folk find such beauty in simple living close to the land. It puts life into whole new perspective. As the last light fades, the stars begin to shine brighter than you have ever seen, clear as diamonds in the darkening sky. Even the moon is giant and glowing golden.

All too soon, our magical moment ends as the guide declares it’s time to head back before it’s completely dark. But something tells me the memory of this sunset will stay with you forever. What an unforgettable way to finish up an truly epic Dubai buggy tour across the magical sand seas.


From zipping across golden sand dunes in our buggies, riding massive waves at speeds unimaginable, spotting elusive wildlife in their natural habitat, learning about Emirati culture at the camp, and being awestruck by the most picturesque sunset views – it truly would be an adventure of a lifetime.

If any of these experiences have piqued your interest in getting out for some off-road fun yourself, I highly recommend checking out Dune Buggy Dubai tours. The team does an amazing job of seamlessly blending adrenaline pumping activities with cultural appreciation and environmental education. It’s totally unique way to experience this diverse landscape.

Their small group trips ensure personal attention too. You’ll feel like one of the locals in no time buzzing across the desert trails with a guide who truly loves this place. It is so cool learning the insider insights directly from passionate people who call these sands home. Plus the food they serve up after? Absolute chef’s kiss.

So if you find yourself in Dubai looking for an adventure that takes you beyond the skyscrapers, I can’t recommend Dune Buggy Dubai enough. Shoot them a message online or give them a call – I have a feeling you’ll create memories to last a lifetime just like I did. Until next time, safe travels!

The writer is a returning customer!



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